從br. l 的口中聽到要去3天2夜camping,我第一個想法就是~~不 太 可 能!!因為我們教會從來沒有在外過夜camping的經驗,所以也就是沒有camping的設備。若要帶這群小朋友去玩,光事先的投資就可以花不少錢,且有些父母已"中年",還可以睡帳篷嗎? 先是這2個疑問,我就覺得。。難。。丫。。
所以決定在星期4出發,星期六中午回來。這個地方其實並不會很遠,當我們到了目的,我才發現,這裡算5星級的camping area,因為很乾淨又有廁所,所以入園就要每台車11元的收費並不算貴。
第一天 星期四
- Aug 21 Thu 2008 12:13
Castaic Lake Camping
- Aug 08 Fri 2008 08:08
- Jul 29 Tue 2008 03:37
Strong quake shakes Southern California
LOS ANGELES - A strong earthquake shook Southern California on Tuesday, causing buildings to sway and triggering some precautionary evacuations. No immediate damage was reported.
The jolt was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and slightly in Las Vegas.
Preliminary information from the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the quake at magnitude 5.8, centered 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles near Chino Hills in San Bernardino County. Ten aftershocks occurred in the next dozen minutes, including three estimated at 3.8, and the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the quake was about 8 miles below the earth's surface.
Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey said there were no immediate reports of damage or injury in Los Angeles. San Bernardino County fire dispatch also had no immediate reports of damage.
The quake struck at 11:42 a.m. PDT. Buildings swayed in downtown Los Angeles for several seconds. Workers quickly evacuated some office buildings.
"It was dramatic. The whole building moved and it lasted for a while," said Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore, who was in the sheriff's suburban Monterey Park headquarters east of Los Angeles.
In Orange County, about 2000 detectives were attending gang conference at a Marriott hotel in Anaheim when a violent jolt shook the main conference room.
Mike Willever, who was at the hotel, said, "First we heard the ceiling shaking, then the chandelier started to shake, then there was a sudden movement of the floor."
Chris Watkins, from San Diego, said he previously felt several earthquakes, but "that was one of the worst ones."
- Jul 22 Tue 2008 09:00
- Jul 17 Thu 2008 10:59
1. 最近應該大家多多少少都有聽美國一家很大的銀行被宣布要被政府接管。。。也就是indymac。 話說6月初我的一個CD到期,所以我就習慣性的先把錢拿出來,其實也就是一張 OFFICIAL CHECK。我的習慣是會找到下一家BANK能提供比較RATE時再到新的BACK去把錢存起來。早上打開新聞聽說 INDYMAC的報導~~我心裡就想說怎麼那麼熟丫,不就是我用的那家bank嗎~~再聽下去才發現~~媽丫~~~~~~目前是政府接手。報導裡說,個人戶開十萬元以上領得出來, 十萬元以上的就只照比率先發放,其它的差額等"清算"後才補發。雖然我的cd沒那麼多,但是還是很緊張的拿著check去第2家bank先把錢 "領"出來,免得到時一張支票。好不容易輪到我,我想一次領全部的現金出來,小姐卻告訴我說:很抱歉,因為是 official check,所以你不能領全額現金,你只能先領一小部份,其它的部份,要先存起來,我們bank會先hold 住7個工作天之後,你才可以再來領其餘的錢。聽了我心裡涼一半,不過想說先拿一點回來總比沒有的好,也就照他的話做了。本想說,這事就先子吧,7天後來再來領其餘的部份~~沒想到,才2天又聽到一個更震撼的消息(雖然只也是聽說),下一波會受到影響的bank會是wamu!!! 厚~~~~~真的是可以買樂透了! 因為我的"第2家"bank就是wamu。有沒有再準一點!!!
今天在跟同事聊天時說~~indymac和wamu你都中了,你還有用第3家bank嗎~~~我說,有耶,不過那網路銀行,目前也不知可不可靠~~~~~~~~~~~~~~厚~~~~~~~~~我是不是該找第4家丫 ><"
2. 今天發現前幾天建檔的東西,莫名其妙地不見了,還好在一上班時發現,臨時把東西東西補齊,不然下星期一開始忙~~我看我會先"刈"起來!說真的,我還真的不知道那個file是怎麼不憑空消失的,上網找檔案修補,也沒用,快把我急死了。重做不是問題,但點是花太多時間了,而且不知道怎麼不見的問題才大,那代表這種情況還有可會再發生,若是沒有發現那怎麼辦丫~~~厚!到下班前我還是沒搞懂,所以我是重新又做了一遍但就是不知道原因~~~悶丫
3. 前陣子電腦掛了不能上網了~~網路公司說啥咪是modem的問題要寄一個新的給我,結果一寄就是快一星期~~厚~~~現代人沒用電腦是怎麼回事丫!!後來收到bill發現它charge我那一星期沒有上網的錢,所以就打電話回去查問,還好那個人還幫我 waive那7天的錢,讓我feel better。不過總體來說他們管帳的很差哦