那雙看不見的手 The Invisible Hands



雖不見祢,觸不到祢, I can't see you, Nor to touch you.

但是我知,祢正在對我低語。 But I know well, You are whispering to me

哦!主耶穌,哦!主耶穌, O, Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus

我深知道祢一直就在這裏。 I know full well, You are here right now with me.

是祢的手,釘痕的手, It is your hands, nail-pierced hands

重新撫慰我那破碎的心田。 Comforting me and my broken,hurting heart

是祢聲音,溫柔話語, It is your voice, gentle kind words

再度填滿我心靈中的飢渴。 Quenched my deep thirst, that inner-most deep thirst for You.





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